Charlie Baum is committed to ensuring every student in Tennessee has access to great public education and opportunities for a bright future. Charlie Baum will be a leader in helping Tennessee build on our historic gains in education by supporting school choice, ensuring accountability in our schools, supporting innovation in education, and securing economic freedom for all.
As an economics professor at Middle Tennessee State University, Charlie Baum knows what our economy and our students need to recover from the Coronavirus pandemic. While serving Rutherford County in the Legislature, Rep. Baum has worked to develop a responsible budget that fully funds our schools and helps small businesses in Tennessee succeed. He has also prioritized increasing access to health care and improving the quality of care. On the Education Committee, Baum passed legislation to help high school students receive college credits and lower the cost of post-secondary education and he helped pass legislation to expand technical and work-based learning to better prepare Tennessee students for college and career. Rep. Baum has also served his community on the Oaklands Mansion and the Community Foundation of Rutherford County, the Murfreesboro Domestic Violence Center, the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties, the Murfreesboro City Schools Foundation, the Linebaugh Library Foundation, and the American Heart Association. He was a scout with the Boy Scouts of America, earning the rank of Eagle Scout.