Tom Leatherwood A Tennessee Education Hero

Tom Leatherwood is committed to ensuring every student in Tennessee has access to great public education and opportunities for a bright future. Tom Leatherwood will be a leader in helping Tennessee build on our historic gains in education by supporting school choice, ensuring accountability in our schools, supporting innovation in education, and securing economic freedom for all.

Tom Leatherwood will:

  • Put the Future of Tennessee Kids First
  • Promote Vocational Education for Technical Careers and Skilled Jobs
  • Hold Schools and Teachers Accountable for Student Success

General Election: Tuesday, November 3rd

Early Voting: Wednesday, October 14th —
Thursday, October 29th

About Tom Leatherwood

Tom Leatherwood was born and raised in Shelby County. Serving the county as Register of Deeds, he put taxpayers first, using no public funds and even returning money back to the taxpayers. As a former public school teacher, Leatherwood has been an effective advocate for improving education in Tennessee. This year, he wrote and passed legislation that helps Tennessee’s students take no-cost college courses during high school and creates partnerships to allow students to gain on-the-job work experience.

Pledge to Support
Tennessee's Education Heroes